To help alleviate the burden winter weather can create for older adults, NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania is collaborating with the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine to connect volunteers with older adults that will need assistance with shoveling their sidewalks and driveways within 24-48 hours of a snowfall for the winter season. Volunteers are provided with a shovel, ice scraper, and rock salt prior to the start of service.
Applications are available here.
Volunteer Guide
What age can I start volunteering?
- Volunteers should be at least 14 years old when applying. If anyone younger than 14 years old is interested in applying, please reach out to Alyssa Espinoza at aespinoza@nwnepa.org to coordinate.
- All volunteers under the age of 16 should plan to have a partner when volunteering
What will happen after I submit my application?
- You/your group will be contacted by a representative from NeighborWorks Northeastern PA to confirm your individual/group’s participation and provide instructions and liability waivers. Waivers must be returned to Alyssa Espinoza prior to the start of your service.
- You will receive information about your project (including the project address, the homeowner’s name, and some brief background) within two weeks of completing the application. A letter to the homeowner will be sent to make them aware of their assigned volunteers and any pertinent information.
What will my responsibilities entail?
- All volunteers are expected to contact their assigned client for confirmation to shovel their walkways & driveways within 24-48 hours after the cessation of any snowfall or within the municipal codes for the specific service site.
- Each volunteer will need to sign a liability waiver before their start date. Please note – individuals who have not signed a waiver will not be allowed at the project site.
- Each volunteer will be responsible for keeping track of the hours they put into the program through a tracking sheet provided when receiving client information. Timesheets should be turned in each month by the 28th day. Hours include but are not limited to: calls with clients, transportation to site, shoveling, and time spent speaking with client at site.
- Volunteers are encouraged to dress appropriately for the cold weather including jackets and boots. Winter gloves and hats are encouraged.
- All volunteers should work to their best ability, take all safety precautions seriously and have fun. Volunteers are expected to respect the homeowner, the property/project site, and all equipment that is used. We ask that volunteers do not smoke/drink alcohol at project site.
- For partnered volunteers: Each group should designate a leader who will act as the primary point of contact for the project and will be responsible for distributing information to their team as well as assisting with directing the tasks at the worksite.
What tools will I need?
- NeighborWorks will provide all volunteers with a shovel, a container of rock salt, and an ice scraper prior to the start of service. However, if volunteers prefer to use their own shovel that is perfectly acceptable.
What should I do when I start my service?
- After a snowfall, come up with a time that will work for you to go out and shovel. Once you have identified a time, you will want to call the Homeowner and let them know when to expect you. Once you arrive at the client’s home, you may begin your shoveling services. If you notify the homeowner when to expect you, it may not be necessary to knock upon arrival. Please focus on shoveling their walkways and driveways to provide a safe environment for the older adults to leave their homes.
How else can I help?
- Make a donation. Become a sponsor (ask us about sponsorship information if you did not receive it) or donate any size to help offset the costs of this project. Donations can be made at our website by clicking here.
- Reach out to others! Volunteering is a rewarding experience and should be shared! Reach out to friends and family to let them know about Snow Angels’ goal to keep older adults in Lackawanna County safe this winter season and that they, too, can assist in these efforts!
Other questions?
Please call Alyssa Espinoza at 570-558-2490 or email her at aespinoza@nwnepa.org.