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Paint the Town

A quarterly volunteer event where volunteer efforts focus on assisting older adults in Lackawanna County with small home repair, exterior painting and lawn clean up to increase elderly homeowners’ quality of life and safety within the home. Stay tuned for more info on our next Paint the Town event!

Volunteer Guide

What will happen after I submit my application?

  • You/your group will be contacted by a representative from NeighborWorks to confirm your individual/group’s participation in Paint the Town.
  • Groups Only: The group contact will be given a group sign-up sheet that is meant to act as the sign-up sheet posted for volunteer recruitment within your group. Group sign-up sheets do not need to be submitted at the same time as the application. Group sign-up sheets are due the two
    days prior to your service date to Alyssa Espinoza.

How will I or my group know what work needs to be done at my scheduled site?

  • NeighborWorks sends out a small home repair technician prior to the event to complete a project scope of the property based off both homeowner recommendations and professional recommendations. A copy of the project scope will be given to each group once they have been assigned a site.
  • You will receive information about your project (including the project address, the homeowner’s name and brief background, and specific work tasks to be accomplished) during the week of May 8th or earlier. If you would like a different site or feel the project is beyond your group’s skill level, please let Alyssa Espinoza know as soon as possible.

What is the dress code of the event?

  • Volunteers are required to wear sturdy footwear; no open-toed shoes are permitted.
  • Volunteers should dress comfortably and appropriately for the event. Please remember you are painting, and it may get on your clothes.
  • NeighborWorks volunteer shirts will be given to all volunteers at the start of the event. Volunteers are encouraged to wear these shirts during the event, but are not required.

What is expected of me as a volunteer?

  • Each volunteer will need to sign a liability waiver. Please note – individuals who have not signed a waiver will not be permitted to continue serving.
  • The work of the volunteers can have some risks involved. It is important volunteers acknowledge and practice all necessary safety precautions.
  • Volunteers are expected to respect the homeowner, the property/project site, and all equipment that is used. Positive interaction with homeowners is highly encouraged.
  • Volunteers are not permitted to smoke or drink alcohol at project sites. Smoking should be done outside the property perimeter.
  • All volunteers should work to their best ability and have fun!
  • Volunteers must remember that the work they are doing is typically completed by professionals, so it is okay if the work is not perfect.

For groups:

  • Each group should designate a leader who will act as the primary point of contact for the project and will be responsible for distributing information to their team as well as assisting with directing the tasks at the worksite the day of the event.

What do I do if it rains the day of my event?

  • If weather changes the plans for the day of an event, you will be contacted via phone number by a NeighborWorks employee letting you know that it is cancelled. Your group may choose to do a rain date, however it is not an obligation. The group contact may also reach out to NeighborWorks cancelling the event when necessary.

What will be provided to me on the day of the event?

  • NeighborWorks will provide all materials, tools and supplies that are necessary to successfully complete the project. All materials, tools and supplies will be at the project site prior to the start of the event.
  • NeighborWorks will send a representative to the site to meet volunteers, introduce NeighborWorks and Paint the Town, and review the tasks at hand for the day. During this introduction, volunteers will be given their T-shirts, nametags, and contact information of the representative assigned to your site. This contact can be used as a point of contact for each group.

What should I bring with me to the event?

  • Sunscreen and/or bug spray are encouraged as volunteers will be outside for a good portion of the day.
  • Food and snacks (lunch will not be provided). Water is not provided; however, it can be available upon group request.

Can I bring/use my own tools?

  • Of course! Volunteers may feel more comfortable using their own tools when completing projects, and we have no problem with that. However, if the volunteer does choose to use their own tools, they understand that any damage or loss items is not protected by NeighborWorks. All materials/tools for the site will be available, so it is ultimately the volunteer’s choice.
  • Volunteers who choose to use their own tools may be able to assess what is needed through the project scopes, however we will have tool/material lists for each site that are available upon request. A separate waiver for personal tool use is required to be filled out the day of the event if you choose to bring/use them.

What will happen when I get to the worksite?

  • If you are there before the NeighborWorks representative arrives, you may knock on the door of the homeowner and introduce yourself/your group. After, feel free to scope the property and begin assigning jobs to group members.
  • During this time, please let the NeighborWorks representative know if there are any jobs that you feel is beyond the skill level of your group.
  • Once the NeighborWorks representative arrives, you will be handed a sign-in sheet, liability waivers, and nametags to put on your shirts for the homeowner’s reference. Once all forms are filled out, the introduction will ensue. Please do not begin work until the NeighborWorks representative arrives and waivers are signed.

How else can I help?

  1. Make a donation. Become a sponsor (ask us about sponsorship information if you did not receive it) or donate any size to help offset the costs of this project. Donations can be made at our website by clicking here.
  2. Reach out to others! Volunteering is a rewarding experience and should be shared! Reach out to friends and family to let them know Paint the Town is back and they can assist their neighbors in staying safe in their homes and communities.

Other questions?

Please call Alyssa Espinoza at 570-558-2490 or email her at

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