Board of Directors
Teddy Michel, Chair
Resident, Archbald
Joe Joyce, Vice-Chair
Attorney, Joyce, Carmody & Moran
Kurt Bauman, Secretary
Vice President Community & Government Services & ED of NCAC
Jamie Ryan, Treasurer
Vice President, Community Development Banking, PNC
Katie Pittelli, Ed.D., Immediate Past Chair
President & CEO, Johnson College
Michele Bannon
Mayor of the City of Carbondale
Andrew Cutillo
Deputy Solicitor, City of Scranton
Wayne Evans
Resident, Scranton
J. David Jackson
Eastern Regional Director, PA Dept. of General Services Bureau of Construction
Sara Levy
Associate Broker, Classic Properties
Matthew Michalek
Vice President of Operations, LR Costanzo Company, Inc.
Dean Pettinato
Principal, the Scranton School for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Children
Damon Spady
Resident, Dunmore
Mary-Pat Ward
Resident, Scranton
Paul Gillick (Emeritus)
Citizen Volunteer
J. Randall Palko (Emeritus)